5 Simple Ways To Drive Event App Uptake

So you’ve taken the jump – invested in an app for your event, added in loads of great content and now it’s ready for everyone to download – what next? We’re trying to resist using the clichéd phrase but it really is true – just because you build it, it doesn’t mean they’ll come.



It takes a bit of strategic thinking to get people flocking to get their hands on your app but never fear, we’ve got a few simple suggestions to make sure your app is a must have for everyone attending your event.


Roll out messaging via every channel

Think about all the different ways you communicate with your visitors and the ways they access information about your event, then roll your app into the spotlight across these channels.


Think about when your visitors are most likely to download your app – before your event, on their way to the venue or when they arrive on site – think about ways to reach your visitors at each stage.

  • Stick a reminder in your email footer.
  • Include a badge on the homepage of your website.
  • Signpost via social media channels.
  • Write a blog post around the benefits & features of your app.
  • Send a text reminder on the day of the event.

Look for opportunities across your marketing mix as appropriate for your event – integration is the key to driving app uptake.


Use your content wisely

We all know the importance of good content and social media platforms provide the perfect channel to share this information. And now you’ve got another place to place the content you’ve worked so hard to create – your event app.


Use your app as a place to house exclusive content which you can promote via your other marketing channels. You can signpost to the app as new content is added or updated to keep everyone coming back for more.


Try keeping social media updates focused on the benefits, features and potential uses of the app in the lead up to the event – tie this into real life scenarios such as:



You can also share tutorials on how to use and access your app so you know your visitors are making the most of this – pull everything together into a blog post to create more shareworthy content.


Monitor your event hashtag

Reach out to your online community by keeping an eye out for tweets using your event hashtag – you can set up a saved Twitter search to monitor this or use a Twitter client like Hootsuite.


This can be an excellent way to start a dialogue with your visitors – tweet them to see if they have accessed the app and get valuable feedback.


Train your staff

Your staff are most likely the first contact your visitors will have – make sure they’re in the know about app and encourage them to remind everyone about your app.


The same applies to your speakers – get them on board and get them to remind your visitors to use the app to connect with speakers, find other sessions and plan their time at your event.


You can take this thinking one step further and put together a guide for your exhibitors on how they can maximise their profile within your app – such as posting reminders via social media, integrating this within their sales conversations and creating a specific landing page on their website for people who have visited your event.


Signpost on site

Although we’re firm advocates of the power of digital, we also know how effective getting your signage right can be in getting everyone to download your app.


Include a reminder on all signage with instructions on how to download your app and put them in strategic places – in the foyer, in the bathrooms, outside speaker sessions and in breakout areas. Think about the moments where people take five and make sure your messaging is right in front of them.


So there you have it – our top tips for making sure everyone accesses your app and makes your investment worthwhile. It’s one thing to have the right tech but it’s quite another making the tech work for you – make sure you select a supplier who knows their stuff and can work with you to look for ways to promote your app.


We’re pretty good at that so if you’re looking for a technology supplier who can take your event to the next level, then get in touch today (*sales pitch over*).




About Noodle Live

Noodle Live brings a seamless social experience to events, conferences and exhibitions using a combination of mobile applications and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) swipe cards to streamline information sharing. 

For more information check out our
 video or visit www.noodlelive.com


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This post was written by Clemi Hardie, founder and MD of Noodle Live.

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