9 Statistics About The Event Industry That Might Surprise You

We love data. Stats, pie charts, scatter plots, histograms. There’s no stopping us. When we’re not making RFID conference name badges or entertaining ourselves with GOT memes (meanwhile, in Winterfell), we’re hunting through piles of data and statistics to work out what’s going on in the world of tech and live events.

So, when EventBrite release their annual Pulse Report, Team Noodle get pretty hype. In honour of this year’s recently released 5th annual report, we thought we’d round up some of our favourite event industry stats from across the interwebs.

Never heard of someone having favourite statistics before? You’ve been hanging with the wrong crowd. Here are 9 great stats about the event industry:

  1. 40% of #EventProfs expect their event budget to increase this year…

…and a further 43% expect the budget to stay the same as last year. That feels like really positive news in a turbulent economy. The biggest report of a possible increase was within smaller event companies. (Pulse Report 2019)

  1. VR and AR were used by 11% of #EventProfs last year…

…and 20% plan to use it in 2019. Over the last 12 months, 3% of #EventProfs used holograms or projection mapping and 4% used robots. Crowdshaping tools are expected to take a huge upturn this year with around 10% of #EventProfs predicting that they will use them. (Pulse Report 2019)

  1. Only 11% of event planners say sustainability is a priority

There’s a growing awareness of the importance of reducing environmental impact, but #EventProfs have several pressing concerns, including increased competition for attendees, which mean increasing sustainability is taking a backseat in 2019. (Pulse Report 2019)

  1. 92% of us love our jobs

Fewer than 8% of respondents in the Pulse Report were dissatisfied with their job. (Pulse Report 2019)

  1. The UK events industry is worth over £39billion

That’s a huge chunk of the UK economy in an often-overlooked industry. (Business Visits and Event Partnership 2018)

  1. 85% of event planners are optimistic about the future of the industry

A great reason to feel really excited about the coming years. (EventMB)

  1. 19% of #EventProfs don’t know the ROI of their events

…but when they do, the average ROI for events is around 25-34% (Marketing Charts)

  1. 27% of event planners are intending to invest more in meetings next year

An increasing number of #EventProfs are interested in including meetings in their range of services. (EventMB 2017)

  1. 78% of event creators say email marketing is the most effective marketing tactic

Think emails are old hat? Not according to EventBrite’s study. Email marketing has been making a huge comeback in recent years so make sure you include it in your strategy. (EventBrite)

Interested in great data #EventProfs? At Noodle Live we specialise in supplying great event tech, like RFID/ NFC conference name badges and event apps that allow event organisers to gather data about their event, including metrics like session attendance, length of stay, numbers of leads captured and satisfaction levels, all of which allow you to demonstrate ROI and compete with other marketing channels for a bigger piece of the marketing budget.

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