Trends in Event Technology: Noodle Live’s Most Popular Blogs From 2017

We love talking about tech – and a little birdy told us that you like reading about it. What a match made in heaven!

Over the course of 2017 we’ve published 52 blogs about the latest news and trends in event technology. Wowser! And we’ve also managed to find time to double our number of staff, host our first webinar, launch our brand new NFC event apps and deliver event tech for more than 120 events too. What a cracking year at Noodle Towers.

As the end of the year approaches, we thought now would be a good time to pause and take a look back at some of our most popular blogs from the past 12 months – as chosen by you, the readers. We love a good bit of data-mining, so we dived head first into the wonder that is Google analytics to work out which of our blogs tickled your event technology taste-buds this year. Here are our top ten:

  1. 10 Awesome Uses of RFID and NFC

Our most popular blog of all time! Nearly 10,000 of you stopped by to take a look at our rundown of the 10 most inventive uses of RFID and NFC, the hidden technology behind our event tech packages. From Budweiser Buddy Cups to Facebook Hotels, check out some of the awesome ways #EventProfs have made use of these tiny information chips.

  1. 9 Event Tech Trends to Watch in 2017

Yep, 2017 was a bit of a roller coaster in the world of technology, with several big tech announcements and some growing trends in event technology to keep an eye on. In this blog, written way back in January, we predicted some of the biggest trends and gave you all a heads up on the tech to watch in 2017. Wondering what to look out for next? Take a look at our guide to the top event tech trends for 2018.

  1. Why Do People Attend Events?

One from the archives! An oldy but a goodie, this blog from 2013 looks at the top reasons why attendees choose to sign up for your event. If you understand these key reasons for attending, you can target your marketing to bring more people to your event.

  1. 10 Cool Things We’ve Done With RFID

We can’t get enough of RFID or NFC! It might be super techy, but it’s also the key ingredient in our event tech mix and we’ve used it in loads of cool ways at live events, from creating table plans and checking coats, to allocating drinks tokens and setting up personalised information points.

  1. The Great Wi-fi Venue Checklist

Wi-fi worries? Forget about it. Take a look at our super-handy infographic to make sure you’re fully in the know when it comes to network connections.

  1. 10 Handshakes to Avoid at Events

We wrote this one a while back to help #EventProfs dodge the crushing embarrassment of a handshake gone wrong, and it turns out social awkwardness is alive and well as 1,500 of you clicked through to find out how not to shake someone’s hand at an event.

  1. 10 New Ideas for Using Event Apps

Want to use an event app but also looking for some interesting and original ways to integrate it into your live event? Check out these 10 cool ways we’ve used our event apps to help with event organisation, add elements of gamification and even create new sponsorship opportunities.

  1. 10 Best Uses of Virtual Reality for Events

Virtual reality has continued to be a huge trend in event tech this year, so how is the tech being used and what benefits does it offer? We run down the top 10 best uses of virtual reality for events.

  1. Funny Wi-fi Names

‘Tell my wifi love her’ – and other ridiculous and funny names people have given to their Wi-Fi connections.

  1. 5 Key Insights From the New Event App Bible

Our friends over at Event Manager Blog publish a brilliant Event App Bible once a year. It’s full of really useful info about the industry and the latest event technology trends. This year, we summarised some of the most interesting findings to bring you the headline news from the latest edition.

That’s it for 2017, we’ll keep updating our blog with all of the latest event tech news and trends in 2018. You can follow all of the latest updates on the Noodle Live blog! Thanks for reading tech-heads. Geek on.

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