Didn’t Catch Noodle’s 12 Days of (Event) Techmas? Here’s What You Missed…

You missed the 12 days of (Event) Techmas? 12 days of carefully curated #EventTech tips packed with exclusive content, expert insight and insider info, all delivered straight to your inbox. What on earth were you doing? Anyone would think you’ve all got loads of events to run or something.

Oh well. Never mind. Here’s what you missed…

On the 1st day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
The Great Wi-Fi Venue Checklist
Hmmm, not quite as catchy as the original, but a whole lot more useful than a Partridge and some random pears in a tree!
For today’s festive feast we’ve put together a complete Wi-Fi Venue Checklist. Say goodbye to Wi-Fi worries and get the ultimate checklist to help you ensure your network connection is ready for action once the delegates descend.

On the 2nd day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
The Complete Business Case for Event Apps
Joy to the World Wide Web!
Ever wondered how to present the case for great event tech to your boss or your client? Wonder no more. Team Noodle have put together this guide to proving a business case for event tech. We’ll show you possible ways to get a return on your investment and help you demonstrate the value of the data you collect.

On the 3rd day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
The Complete Guide to RFID & NFC
Why Santa, what a big sack you’ve got. It’s positively overflowing with amazing event tech tips this year!
Today we bring you the complete guide to RFID and NFC. OMG, you’re going to love it. Don’t be confused by complicated acronyms, remote tech is brilliant for your events and you’re likely to see both systems being used a lot more over the next few years, both at events and in your every day life. It’s the tech behind your Oyster card and your tap-to-pay credit card. Not that mysterious, but pretty bloomin’ useful.

On the 4th day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
Essential Apps for #EventProfs
…and life has never been the same again*.
*It’s possible that this could be a small exaggeration, but we’re hoping you’ll overlook it because you like us.
Confused by all of the productivity apps on offer? Don’t panic. Your smartphone can be a huge help day to day if you focus on using a few simple apps!

On the 5th day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
10 Gold Commandments of Event Tech
Why is it that 5 Gold rings is always the one that everyone remembers?
Thou shalt always remember to make time for your own Christmas party instead of simply planning everyone else’s. We asked Team Noodle to tell us their golden rules for brilliant event tech. Between them they’ve worked at thousands of events for hundreds of different companies. Here’s what they’ve learned.

On the 6th day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
The Ultimate Data Capture Guide
Awww, santa. You shouldn’t have!
Don’t be in the dark about what your delegates get up to at your event. Great event tech can help you capture loads of lovely data at several touch points throughout your venue. Here’s our complete guide to gathering data (yes ok, we really like data –we’re geeks, what did you expect) without your delegates even noticing.

On the 7th day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
The Event Profs Guide to Social Media
Because it’s better than 7 geese-a-laying. Probably.
It’s not enough that you’re the manager, stylist, catering consultant, budget holder and shoulder to cry on, now you have to be great at social media too. Phew! An #EventProfs job is never done. To help you out, we’ve created a complete guide to becoming a social media superstar.

On the 8th day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
The Guide to Virtual Reality for Events
Is this real life?
Virtual reality was tipped to be huge news for events in 2016. Meh. Not so much. But as the tech gets cheaper and easier to access, will we start seeing it become a bigger part of the experiential scene? Here are some awesome ways VR is being used.

On the 9th day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
Ways to Increase Lead Capture
Because we care.
Want to capture more leads at your events? The boffins in Noodle Labs have been working on lead capture methods for months. Here are their tips on how to take your lead capture to the next level.

On the 10th day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
The Guide to Finding Attendees for Your Event
We saw this and thought of you.
With Christmas nearly upon us we thought it was the perfect time to share our guide to finding more attendees for your events. How do attendees find out about the events they attend? Does it vary with age, industry or lifestyle?

On the 11th day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
2016: The Event Tech Year in Review
We couldn’t elf-ourselves.
Ummm, 2016….It was…well, it was…interesting. In the world of event tech there were lots of big promises but not that many big changes. 2016 was the year of honing in on great tech and learning to use it really well. Here’s the Noodle Live guide to some of the best tech innovations that caught our eye over the last 12 months.

On the 12th day of (Event) Techmas My Event Company Sent to Me:
9 Event Trends for 2017
How can it be the last day? We hate goodbyes…
On the final day of our Christmas compendium we thought we would look ahead to 2017. We expect big things from the next twelve months. Here’s our guide to what to expect.

What are you expecting from event tech next year? Let us know @NoodleLive. Well that’s it. Our Christmas campaign in a nutshell. We don’t want to get emotional so we’ll just say thanks for all of your support during 2016 and for helping us to have an amazing year. Thanks for putting up with our Dad jokes and for humouring us when we talked about all things Geek. No, we’re not crying. We were chopping onions. Lots of them.

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