August Networking for #EventProfessionals


There’s nothing quite like a summer heatwave in the city, is there #EventProfs? Smiles on faces, balmy evenings, post-work alfresco dining and overflowing beer gardens – it’s a yes from us! Ok sure, we’d probably prefer to be having a nice cool dip in crystal clear waters on the coast somewhere instead of getting all hot and bothered on the tube, but then we’d be missing out on all of the golden networking opportunities that lie in store for us this month! It’s time for our event round up for August, so grab your diary and let’s get busy!

Campus Community: Yoga (August 1)
Main Event Space, 4-5 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BX

Not your conventional networking event – we know! But we are advocates of stepping back from our endlessly pinging inboxes and rolling out our mats for some down(ward dog) time. Give your back a chance to relax (releasing the tension, after all those long days of sitting at a desk) and grab a chat with some fellow entrepreneurial yogis after – you never know who you might meet.

Turing Fest (August 1-2)
EICC Edinburgh

The ultimate gathering for tech tribes, all the way up in bonny Scotland, boasting 6 mini-conferences in one: Product, Engineering, Strategy, Growth, Marketing and Culture! The crowd will be made up of founders, investors, executives, engineers, product managers, designers and marketers – there will be an abundance of networking opportunities to be had and many connections to be made.

#EventPlannersTalk (6, 13, 20, 27 August)


Feeling like a night in, but not ready to miss out on awesome networking for #EventProfs? No problem. #EventPlannersTalk takes place live on Twitter every Monday night. Just log in and follow the hashtags to take part.

From Digital To Real World: Creating Experiences With Interactive Tech (20 August)
Main Event Space, 4-5 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BX

Curious about how you can bridge the digital world and the real world through innovative technologies? AR/VR/MR on your radar? This event is for you.

Litmus Live 2018: London (21 August)
etc.venues 155 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3YD

Want to sharpen up those all important email marketing skills for your event promotion? You’ll be armed with new techniques, design tips, testing strategies and more after Litmus Live. 

The Art of Negotiation (29 August)
1 Wimpole Street, London, W1G

Ah, negotiation, don’t we just love it! If you feel this isn’t your strongest suit, then you might want to block out the 29th in your diary. A perfect one for the #EventProfs, as this will totally cover all areas of potential negotiation across the events industry.

℅ pop Convention (30-31 August)
Unter Sachsenhausen 10 – 26, 50667, Cologne, Germany

A little further afield, but a must for any #EventProfs in the music industry. With a focus on innovation and networking, as well as a hearty line up of great speakers and sessions, this event promises plenty of opportunities for top class advice and insights.

Citizen Event (31 August)
Holborn Venues, Court Room, 7 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AF  

Held on the last Friday of every month, Citizen Event is one of the most relaxed and welcoming events for event professionals in London. No presentations, no speakers, just a chance to network, have a chat and meet other people working in the events industry.

Know about a great event we’ve missed? We’re always on the lookout for new events to add to our list of
events for event professionals. Give us a shout on Twitter @NoodleLive or send us a message via our website.



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