August Events for #EventProfs


Ahh August. The month of sunshine holidays, long, light evenings, alfresco dining and of course, events for #EventProfs. Well, actually, not really, because August always gets a bit quiet when it comes to networking events for event professionals. But never fear, Noodle Live is here. We’ve dug deep to find some awesome events and social meet ups for those of us left behind in the UK (and a couple of international events if you’re looking for a reason to fly).

Here are the event industry events to look forward to this month:

Google Cloud Talks (August 5)
Bonhill Street, London
Developer? These monthly meetups at Google’s London Campus include talks from industry leaders about the latest tech research that will impact developers. It’s a great place to go to stay connected and to find out more about future-proofing your work.

#EvenProfsTalk (August 5,12, 19, 26)
Get social online with the excellent #EventProfsTalks. Every week, the awesome folks behind Event Planners Talk host an online debate and discussion around a specific area of event planning. They welcome guest facilitators so there’s a new topic every session. Simply log in to Twitter on a Monday evening and follow the hashtag to join the conversation.

The Great British Beer Festival (August 6-10)
London Olympia
A chance to sample some of the best beer on offer in the UK. Strictly for professional purposes of course. An #EventProfs got to be in the know about the drinks industry if they want to keep up! There will be over 1,000 beers on show and there’s also a gin bar, just in case you need to switch things up.

ILEA Live (August 8-10)
All Day
Hyatt Regency, Minneapolis, USA
ILEA is a global community of #EventProfs focussing on helping people to connect, learn and inspire. ILEA comes to life at this annual event showcasing the best of the organisations education and networking prowess. Expect heavyweight speakers, leadership tips, creative seminars and plenty of ice-breaking networking opportunities.

Pro-Social Summer Networking Event (August 16)
The Curtain, Hoxton
Aimed at young professionals from a wide range of industries, pro-social events help career-minded individuals to network and connect with a range of activities and events. There will also be classic cocktails, great food and a VIP bar. Think of it like a night out with some brilliant networking opportunities thrown in for good measure.

The London Desert Festival (August 17-28)
Old Truman Brewery, Shoreditch
A sweet tooth is a must at this showcase of some of the finest deserts around. It’s an immersive festival of treats with delicious things to taste and a full sensory immersion into the world of the sugar-rush.

Personal Branding Workshop (August 22)
Rochester Place
Need to promote yourself and your work a little better? This free workshop will give you helpful advice to allow you to workshop your own personal brand and to start marketing yourself in a more sophisticated way.

Turing Fest (August 27-29)
All Day
The Exchange, Edinburgh
Love tech and all things tech for as long as you both do geek? Turing Fest is the place to be. Head to Edinburgh this August to see some of the leading names in the European technology sector come together to discuss, learn, connect and compare. This event will be inspiration central, so come prepared for some mind-blowing talks, seminars and small group learning sessions.

Know about some great events for #EventProfs that we’ve missed? We put together a run down of the best networking events for event professionals every month, so get in touch if you know about an event we should include.

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